As I ready myself for the launch of a new chapter in my career, I have backed away and taken a look at where I am, who I am, what characterizes me and how to portray that image into something that can be worked with on a marketing level.  Thanks to the savvy and insight of a dear friend, I have come upon what I think would be a great logo to encapsulate the majority of what I desire.

Roma and I were talking one day and she asked me if I believed in reincarnation.  Well, kinda, but not really.   The point then became that if we were to be reincarnated as animals, what would we be?   I thought for awhile and offered up a couple of sarcastic answers, then she stopped me.  “No, we would be bucking horse mares.”  At first I was taken aback a little, and then as she talked, the picture became clearer and now one of my favorite memories.


Bucking horse mares are savvy, fierce, tenacious, wild.  They protect their colts from all manner of hazards, raise them well, bring them home at weaning time, and on top of that they do a job that is tantamount to the industry.  Not only do they perform, ie Miss  Congeniality, of  Powder River Rodeo Co, Hank and Lori  Franzen, but they produce as well, Blood Brother’s mama from the Burch Rodeo Co.  Those wild old sisters stand atop a hill, bluff or knoll with their nostrils rolling, not missing one sight or smell.  The witch knots in their manes and tails are wind blown, their coats are rough and their hooves are broken.  They are far from pretty, but there is a beauty about one of those girls that one can’t help but to recognize and admire, just a little…